- "BattleActs explained content in a manner that was easy to comprehend and condensed the exam material to a manageable level. l found the info as to where study time should be spent helpful in focusing my study time."
- "Priority of readings was helpful because it tied all the concepts together well, and helped allocate my time. In other study materials, the readings were more or less in the order the syllabus presented them, but BA allowed for me to tie readings and concepts together much better."
- "I would recommend this guide to others since it has a ton of exercises."
- "BA Exam 7 study guide reduced that large amount of material into digestible, colloquial terms."
- "I enjoyed having the table for reference with priority readings, the layout of articles was easy to navigate, the quizzes were great, especially the Verrall ones."
- "Exam 7 does seem to require a lot of conceptual understanding, especially now with the shrunken syllabus, and filtering the cards to those that I want to memorize turned out to be a good strategy."
- "The instructor provided great and timely responses in the discussion forum."
- "I used BattleActs for Exam 6 as well, and I remember submitting feedback that it would be very helpful to have the problems already in Excel because it took so much time to convert. Well, Exam 7 delivered on that front. I loved that feature. Made it more like the CBT environment too! I also liked the main things to know at the top of each article."