EI Premium Reduction - Eligibility Requirements F2013 #16

According to the Canadian Government's website, one of the eligibility requirements for EI premium reduction is:
"pay benefit to employees within 8 days of illness or injury (the elimination period cannot exceed 7 consecutive days)"
However, the quiz and solutions to Fall2013 Q16 mention 15 days.

If this question appears in the exam, should we write 15 or 8?

Ref: https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/programs/ei/ei-list/ei-employers/premium-reduction-program.html


  • Either answer should be acceptable. This is an example of where the source text (written in 2016) is outdated because regulations have changed. The CAS policy is to accept either the answer from the official source text or the current correct answer.

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