annual statement

is annual statement the same as the annual report and the AAR?


  • No, they're not the same. Each of these documents has its own purpose and scope. The Annual Statement and the AAR are more specific to the insurance world, while the Annual Report is a broader document that many public companies release. Hope that clears things up!

    Annual Statement: This is a required filing that insurance companies submit to regulators. It provides a detailed look into the financial condition of the company. Think of it like a financial health check-up that's standardized for regulatory purposes.

    Annual Report: This is a broader document that companies, not just insurance ones, release to shareholders and the general public. It includes financial statements, a letter from the CEO, and other info about the company's performance and future outlook. It's kind of like a yearly storytelling session about how the company did.

    AAR (Appointed Actuary's Report): This is specific to the insurance industry. The AAR provides an actuary's opinion on the company's policy liabilities and capital requirements. It's a specialized piece of the puzzle that dives deep into the insurance risk and financials.

  • Yes, it does clear things up! Thanks Graham! :)

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